10 Cool Ways to Control Your Hearing Aids With the Apple Watch

Blogging about hearing lossPicture being able to regulate the volume, treble, and bass on your hearing aids as discretely and effortlessly as checking the time on your wrist. Or picture fine-tuning your hearing aids for any hearing environment without ever having to touch your hearing aids.

Sound too good to be true? A few years ago, it was; but with the Apple Watch, hearing aid owners are redefining the way they engage with their hearing aids.

With Apple’s most personal device to date, you can now leave your hearing aid remote control at home, your cell phone in your pocket, and your fingers out of your ears. All hearing aid adjustments and settings can be accessed from an application within the watch—meaning you’ll never have to touch your hearing aids or constantly fumble through your phone again.

Here are 10 cool things you can do with your Apple Watch and compatible hearing aids.

1. Forget the hearing aid remote control

The problem with contemporary hearing aids is that as they come to be smaller, more effective, and loaded with more features, they become more difficult to handle. This makes a remote control a necessity, but who wants to haul around yet another device?

Even utilizing your cell phone as the remote control can get tiring, but with the Apple Watch, if you want to revise a setting, you just raise your wrist. It can’t get any easier than that.

2. Effortlessly adjust the volume, treble, and bass

Need the hearing aid volume adjusted? No problem, just discreetly lift your wrist, tap the hearing aid application on the watch, and swipe your finger to adjust the volume control slider. You can also easily fine-tune the treble and bass to create the perfect sound quality in any listening situation.

3. Mute your hearing aids

Situations occur when you don’t want to amplify sound, and with the Apple Watch, you can turn off the hearing aids with the push of a button.

Although we don’t encourage using this feature on your spouse.

4. Create and save custom sound settings

Having a conversation in a busy restaurant is very different than having one at home; that’s why hearing aids have what are labeled “environmental presets,” or settings that enhance sounds with respect to the environment.

With the Apple Watch, you can effortlessly access and change among presets, shifting settings on the fly depending on where you are. And as you render your adjustments, if there is a specific setting that works particularly well, you can save the setting, name it, and access it in the future.

5. Stream music and phone calls

You’re out for a jog and you want to listen to your favorite music album. That would normally require you to take out your hearing aids, but with Apple Watch, you can stream music wirelessly from the watch to your hearing aids. In this manner, your hearing aids have the twin purpose of a sound amplification device and a pair of high-quality headsets.

Additionally, you can effortlessly answer or forward phone calls straight from the watch, as the audio is sent wirelessly to your hearing aids not unlike the music.

6. Find your misplaced hearing aids

We all lose important things, like our car keys, and we use up a lot of time trying to find them. But when we misplace our hearing aids, it’s not only inconvenient—we risk harming the gadget that connects us to sound, which can be scary.

With the Apple Watch, if you lose your hearing aids, you can immediately track them down as the watch can pin point their location and present it on a map.

7. Concentrate on speech and block out background noise

Most digital hearing aids feature directional microphones and other background-noise canceling capability. With the Apple Watch, you have access to these features on the fly, with the capacity to narrow the focus in a hectic room, for instance, by listening to the person you’re talking to while filtering the background chatter.

8. View your battery and connection status

You no longer have to worry about running out of battery power and being stranded without sound. You can effortlessly monitor your hearing aid battery life directly on the Apple Watch.

9. Make your hearing aids invisible

You can’t really make your hearing aids invisible with the Apple Watch, but with the proper hearing aid, it will look that way to the people around you. The Apple Watch, along with a completely-in-the-ear-canal hearing aid, will be fully out of view. And when you’re changing your hearing aid controls on your watch, people will think you’re checking the time.

10. Regulate your tinnitus

Sound therapy in the form of music, white noise, or nature sounds can be streamed wirelessly to your hearing aids, and the sounds can be adapted to fit the frequency of your tinnitus—all from the Apple Watch.

Individualize your hearing experience

While the Apple Watch is not compatible with all types of hearing aid, a number of hearing aid models currently are, and we expect additional models to be designed in the near future. The Apple Watch is the ultimate remedy to several of the concerns conveyed by our patients and permits a level of interaction and control like never before.

Contact us today to learn more about this incredible technology.

Do you own an Apple Watch? Do you use it to control your hearing aids? Let us know about your experience in a comment.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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