How Diabetes Increases Your Risk of Hearing Loss

Diabetic woman using a flash glucose monitor.

You might be familiar with the various factors contributing to hearing loss, including the impact of getting older, genetic predisposition within families, or prolonged exposure to loud sounds. But the link between hearing loss and diabetes is not as widely known. Let’s dig a little bit deeper into that.

How does diabetes increase your risk of hearing loss?

The prevalence of diabetes increases as you get older, and 37 million people, or 9% of the United States population, have this condition according to the CDC. Hearing loss is two times as prevalent in individuals with diabetes compared to those who don’t have the condition. 133 million Americans are pre-diabetic and even they have a 30% higher risk of experiencing hearing loss than people whose blood sugar is normal.

Diabetes can cause nerve damage across various bodily areas, including the hands, feet, eyes, kidneys, and ears. High blood sugar levels can lead to the degeneration of small blood vessels and nerves in the inner ears. And on the other end of the spectrum, the transmission of nerve signals from the inner ear can be disrupted by low blood sugar. Both situations can worsen hearing loss.

Damage to the kidneys, heart, nerves, eyes, and blood vessels can be caused by chronic high blood pressure resulting from uncontrolled diabetes.

You might have hearing loss if you detect any of these signs

Hearing loss often develops slowly and can go undetected if you’re not actively paying attention. In many situations, friends and co-workers might observe the issue before you identify it.

Here are a few signs of hearing loss:

  • Difficulty hearing on the phone
  • Always having to turn the volume up on your devices and TV
  • Having a difficult time hearing in noisy places
  • Frequently asking others to repeat themselves
  • Perceiving others as mumbling

It’s important to call us for a consultation if you notice any of these signs or if somebody points out your hearing changes. We will perform a hearing examination that will establish a baseline for future assessments and also deal with any balance-related challenges.

If you have diabetes, be proactive

Getting a yearly hearing test is important, and that’s particularly true for somebody with diabetes.

Maintain control of your blood sugar levels.

Make use of ear protection and avoid overly loud settings.

The site information is for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. To receive personalized advice or treatment, schedule an appointment.

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