Hearing Loops: What They Are And How They Work

Blogging about hearing lossThere have been many different types of technological advancements in helping people with hearing loss over the last few decades. However, one invention only uses two existing technologies to help people with hearing loss make better sense of sound in large areas: hearing loops. These interesting contraptions have caught the attention of people around the world are being used in cities already. For these reasons we are going to take an in-depth look at this technology in terms of where they are being used, what they are made of, and how they function.

Where Can They Be Implemented?

Hearing loops have already found several places where they are able to be used successfully. Some of the most innovative places that they can be found in use already are in taxis, buses, trains, and other forms of mass transit. For the most part they are being used in meeting places such as churches, town halls, and business offices around the world. While they are mostly limited to the larger towns and cities, there are many that want to see them properly implemented throughout the world.

What Makes Up A Hearing Loop?

There are two essential parts that go into making a functional hearing loop. One of these items is a cable that is able to loop throughout an entire room or structure. It is usually not very large or thick, just enough to carry a signal through it in the same way as a radio. The second part of the hearing loop is the receiver. This requires an item to be able to detect the same frequency that is being put out by the cable. Fortunately, these are mostly available in hearing aids and other hearing implant already, meaning most people will not need modifications.

How Does A Hearing Loop Work?

A hearing loop requires both parts of the contraption to work in conjunction with one another in order to be successful. The first thing that happens is sound is picked up by a microphone and is then translated into a signal within the actual wire loop. Instead of being pumped out of speakers in the room, it is simply sent out like a radio signal in the room. This sound is then able to be picked up by the hearing devices that are already being worn by individuals in the room who need them. Most of the time, this only requires a switch to be activated in order to pick up the sound.
Once the sound has gone into the hearing device it is brought into a hearing frequency where it is clear and free of background noise. Even someone in the back of the room is able to hear what is happening in the front of the room with clarity and confidence.

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