How do I Know if my Hearing Aid Requires Professional Repair?

Woman getting her hearing aid repaired while she waits.

If you have hearing aids but you’re still having trouble hearing, your hearing aids may require professional repair.

You take good care of your hearing aids. You baby them. Cleaning them daily, you make sure they are snug on their charger when you go to sleep.

But you can’t figure out why your hearing aids aren’t working efficiently and it’s really annoying. Luckily, troubleshooting the problem is pretty simple. Keep in mind: your number one task is to avoid damaging your hearing aid further (or you may have to get new ones).

Troubleshooting Your Hearing Aid

Make sure you consult with your owner’s manual when performing upkeep and troubleshooting as every model of hearing aid can be a bit different. On most models, these things can be checked:

  • Check your battery: Even if you know your hearing aids charged all night, you’ll want to double-check the battery level. Even rechargeable batteries have to be replaced eventually and sometimes you might not have them inserted fully.
  • Wax buildup: Do a visual inspection of your hearing aid to make sure that there is no wax accumulation interfering with ordinary functionality. Even if you perform routine cleaning, sometimes wax can accumulate quickly, so it’s worth checking this off your list.
  • Keep your microphone clear: Look for anything blocking the microphone of your hearing aid. An obstructed microphone can create feedback or can make your hearing aid sound broken or silent.
  • Look for visible damage: Loose components or cracks could occur around the shell of your hearing aids so don’t forget to check for that. Cracks could allow moisture in and may be a sign of additional damage.

Again, check your owner’s manual on how you should approach each of these problems. In some cases, you might be capable of performing maintenance yourself. (Your owner’s manual is the best place to begin.)

Does my Hearing Aid require servicing – How do I Know?

Your hearing aid will probably require professional repair if you keep having issues with it after carrying out these basic maintenance tasks. Because you depend on your hearing aids for all of your basic conversations and social activities, this most likely doesn’t sound very attractive.

But it’s essential to understand that repair doesn’t always imply sending your hearing aid away. In some cases, we can fix it while you wait.

Meaning, in some instances, you’ll be able to bring your hearing aids in for professional maintenance and get them back in a matter of minutes or hours (this is the reason why it’s a good idea to bring your hearing aid in so we can determine the damage).

Not all cases can be addressed in house though. And in those cases, you may find yourself in need of a backup pair of hearing aids. So if you’ve got an old pair lying around, ask us whether they will serve temporarily. We may even have a pair we can loan you while you are waiting.

Don’t Wait to Get Help For Your Hearing Aids

If the hearing aids are starting to fade, the sound quality is beginning to falter, it’s important to get it repaired.

That’s because you hope to avoid any downtime. Your overall health and your mental health are affected by neglected hearing loss. More to the point, once your hearing aids are forgotten in a box somewhere, it’s very easy to pretend they don’t exist, all the while, your hearing progressively worsens.

The best way to keep your hearing healthy is to keep your hearing aids working. And the easiest way to do that is to keep them clean, keep them charged, and, when needed, take your hearing aids to get some professional assistance.

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