How Ibuprofen can Lead to Hearing Loss

Blogging about hearing lossIbuprofen translates to hearing loss? This is the gist of a new study out connecting ibuprofen and hearing loss in women. This popular relief medication that has not been connected to increased levels of hearing loss in people as they age. If you want to do all you can to protect your hearing, refrain from certain medications such as ibuprofen and acetaminophen. Along with avoidance of noisy situations such as concerts and clubs, you may also want to forego certain medications that can heightened the risk of hearing loss.

What to Do

Don’t take anything unless you secure your doctor’s approval before taking ibuprofen. This will put you in touch with the potential side effects in regards to incurring additional hearing loss. Scan all labels on cold and sinus medications at the store, because ibuprofen can be in them without you knowing.

Conclusive Findings

A study by researchers at the American Journal of Advanced Epidemiology showcased about 60,000 women over a period of 14 years, with scientists concluding that pain relievers like ibuprofen and acetaminophen can bring on hearing loss in women. This study amazingly showed that a quarter of those women who ingested ibuprofen and acetaminophen several times a week reported a lessening of their hearing capability.


You may wonder how pain relievers such as ibuprofen can bring on hearing loss. They work by reducing the flow of blood to the cochlear located in the inner ear. While researchers have already detected a link with ibuprofen and hearing loss in men, now we are certain the same thing happens with women. Do all you can to improve hearing by refraining from taking certain medications. It’s not just ibuprofen that can cause hearing damage. When you ingest acetaminophen, too, you can harm the ear structures that are in place to protect your cochlea. Tinnitus, dizziness and vertigo can all be heightened through the use of ibuprofen. Plus, some analgesics can hurt your kidneys as well as your ears. This is why it’s important to talk with your doctor to find out what’s best for your unique situation.

More Research

Additional research is certainly needed, which is why places like the National Institutes of Health (NIH) are conducting studies of 150,000 women across the nation to determine all the factors that can contribute to hearing loss. Other factors that affect hearing loss include hormones, diet and alcohol consumption, in addition to loud noise exposure for long bouts of time.

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